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Enhance Your Breakroom Experience
Enhance Your Breakroom Experience The breakroom isn't just a place to eat anymore. Empl [...]
Promote Your Brand Sustainably
Good for Your Brand, Better for the Planet. Promotional products can be an effective wa [...]
American Heart Month: Raising Awareness in the Office
American Heart Month February is American Heart Month, a time to raise awareness about t [...]
The Salvation Army | MN Vikings Field Goals for Charity
2021-2022 Field Goals for Charity This year’s selected charity is The Salvation Army! Congratulations and thank you for your great work in our community! COMMUNITY PROGRAMS About The Salvation Army The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christia [...]
HP Security – Printers, Ink & Toner
Printer Security & Secure Cartridges Choose Original HP every time. Original HP printers & cartridges, engineered for security to protect your printer and your data. SHOP ORIGINAL HP At every step of the design, supply chain and production process for Original HP office cartridges, se [...]
Make Your Space Work
We're here to make your space work. Whether it's a quiet corner nook in your living room or a collaborative meeting downtown, where and how you do business isn't one-size-fits-all. From comfortable seating in a guest lobby to an adaptable conference table to an efficient desk in a classroom, Inno [...]
Fresh Energy | MN Twins Double Plays for Charity
Double Plays for Charity Fresh Energy Along with the Minnesota Twins, we are sponsors of the Double Plays for Charity program. During the regular MLB season, each time the Twins complete a Double Play, Innovative will donate $100 to a local charity (up to $5000 maximum). The selected charity for t [...]
Reimagine Your Printing Environment
Adapt to the evolving workplace People have changed the way they work and it's now time to reboot and reimagine your printing environment to work the way work now works! Shop Now When was the last time you thought about your office printing machines? When was the last time you analyzed who is [...]
Innovative Named 2021 Star Tribune 175 Top Workplace
Star Tribune 2021 Top Workplaces Innovative named a Star Tribune 2021 Top Workplace and ranks 16th out of 125 midsized companies to make the list! Learn More It is with great excitement we announce Innovative Office Solutions has been named a Star Tribune 2021 Top Workplace and ranks 16th out [...]
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