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Every Third Saturday | MN Wild Charity of the Month
DECEMBER 2022 CHARITY OF THE MONTH In partnership with the Minnesota Wild, we are th [...]
Discover the Difference | Breakroom
Breakroom We want to help you discover your difference while working with Innovativ [...]
Firefly Sisterhood | MN Wild Charity of the Month
NOVEMBER 2022 CHARITY OF THE MONTH In partnership with the Minnesota Wild, we are t [...]
Announcing 2021 Theme | Helping You Navigate the Future
2021 Theme Each year Innovative launches a new company theme! The theme is an avenue for us to get creative with our brand and engage with our customers, employees and supply partners in a fun unique way – Bringing our brand to life in a fresh perspective! Announcing our 2021 theme.... History of [...]
Your Checklist to Creating a Productive, Clean and Safe Workplace
Is your workplace prepared? Make sure your workplace is stocked and ready for your team and clients! Here a workplace productivity checklist! Start Shopping Maybe your team has been in the office for months or maybe you're making plans for employees to return in the coming days, weeks or month [...]
Employee & Customer Appreciation
Gifts & Appreciation " In one employee happiness survey, 45% of respondents even said they believe gifts reflect their value at a company." Workplace Branding There are many ways you can acknowledge an employee’s hard work. Sending a personalized and genuine appreciation gift is an easy, t [...]
Announcing 2020-2021 In The Community Recipient
Support Our Students Congratulations to Project Success for being this years In the Community recipient! Support the students in our community by donating below! DONATE This year, Innovative Office Solutions and the Minnesota Vikings are teaming up to put the spotlight on a non-profit organiza [...]
How UVC Disinfection Can Keep Your Facility Safe
UV Light Unlike chemical methods of disinfection, UVC provides rapid, effective deactivation of microorganisms through a physical process. UVC disinfection uses UV light to kill 99.97% of bacteria and viruses. MoonBeam Disinfecting is now more important than ever before. A safe and sterile en [...]
Announcing 2020-2021 Field Goals for Charity Recipient
Field Goals for Charity This year’s selected charity is Minneapolis Public Schools! Congratulations and thank you for encouraging the students in our community! Community Programs During the NFL regular season, each time a Minnesota Vikings kicker successfully kicks a field goal, Innovative Of [...]
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