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CEO Jennifer Smith, Awarded Women 2 Watch 2022
Women 2 Watch 2022 We are excited to announce that our CEO, Jennifer Smith, made the Wom [...]
Discover the Difference | Technology
Audio & Visual Technology We want to help you discover your difference while wo [...]
Northrop | MN Twins Double Plays for Charity
DOUBLE PLAYS FOR CHARITY 2022 Along with the Minnesota Twins, we are sponsors of the Do [...]
Be The Match | MN Wild Charity of the Month
February 2020 Charity of the Month Be The Match This months selected charity is Be the Match! Congratulations and thank you for your great work in our community! Community Programs Throughout the NHL season, Innovative partners with the Minnesota Wild to recognize an organization in the com [...]
Benefits of an Organized Office
Why Organization Matters There are many benefits of an organized office. Although it may not be one of your strengths, it is certainly a good habit to obtain. In fact, more than 80 percent of people polled in a 2010 survey said being organized improved their work performance. Employees feel more i [...]
Find a Space to Focus in Your Organization
Find a Space to Focus According to a report by Gensler, the most significant factor for workplace effectiveness is not collaboration, but rather individual focus work. According to a report by Gensler, the most significant factor for workplace effectiveness is not collaboration, but rather ind [...]
The Importance of Choice in the Workplace
Offering Choice in the Workplace "A recent study by Flex Jobs show that 61% of workers left or considered quitting a job because it lacked work flexibility. Also, more than 75% of workers would be more loyal to their organization if it offered flexible work options. " Button Text Most of us ca [...]
Lifetrack | MN Wild Charity of the Month
Lifetrack January 2020 Charity of the Month This months selected charity is Lifetrack! Congratulations and thank you for your great work in our community! Community Programs Throughout the NHL season, Innovative partners with the Minnesota Wild to recognize an organization in the community. Ou [...]
2020 Workplace Trends
Will Your Office Be Ready for 2020? Workplace trends for 2020 that will facilitate employee productivity and happiness. The modern office is continuously evolving. With technology rapidly changing and developing, companies are looking for creative ways to improve employee’s performance while e [...]
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