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6 Benefits of Providing Office Snacks
OFFICE SNACKS Prevent that late afternoon energy dip and grab your favorite snacks and [...]
Jeremiah Program | MN Wild Charity of the Month
January 2022 Charity of the Month In partnership with the Minnesota Wild, we are the sp [...]
2022 Commercial Furniture & Design Trends
The Evolving Workplace As we move into the new year and more workers start returning to [...]
100 Best Companies to Work for 2018
2018 100 Best Companies to Work For Innovative's 7th consecutive year of being recognized as a Minnesota Business Magazine, 2018 100 Best Companies to Work For. Awards & Recognitions We are thrilled to announce that Innovative has been named a 2018 100 Best Companies to Work For; our seven [...]
Innovative Acquires Brown & Saenger
Minneapolis, MN (January, 2018) – Innovative Office Solutions has acquired Brown & Saenger, marking Innovative’s first geographical expansion beyond the borders of Minnesota. The company will continue to operate under the Innovative Office Solutions brand and have locations throughout Minnes [...]
Innovative Named 2017 Fast 50 Private Growing Company
2017 Fast 50 Private Growing Companies Innovative named 2017 Fast 50 Private Growing C0mpanies! We want to give a big thank you to our incredible Innovative team! Without their continuous hard work this accomplishment would not be possible! Awards & Recognition We are thrilled to announce [...]
ACG Bold Awards Innovative named ACG Minnesota's Boldest of the Bold 2017 Winner! Awards & Recognition Innovative is proud to announce we are the winner of the 2017 BOLD Awards in the category of Middle Market Companies. Not only did we take home a BOLD Award, Innovative was recognized as [...]
Innovative Acquires Office Supplies, Point-of-Sale Supplies & Furniture Divisions of North Country Business Products
Minneapolis, MN (August, 2016) – Innovative Office Solutions, one of the largest providers of Office Productivity Supplies & Services in the country, has acquired the Office Supplies, Point of Sale Supplies & Furniture division of North Country Business Products, a large POS solutions provi [...]
Innovative Acquires S&T Office Products, Inc.
Minneapolis, MN (February, 2015) – Innovative Office Solutions has acquired S&T Office Products, Inc., making the combined organization the largest independent office productivity supplier in the Upper Midwest and one of the largest in the country. The company will operate under the Innovative [...]
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