Inc. 5000 2018 Fastest Growing Private Companies
Innovative ranked as a 2018 Fastest Growing Private Companies in the U.S. by Inc. 5000 for the 10th year in a row.
Every year, Inc. recognizes the fastest – growing private companies in America. Innovative is proud to announce that for the 10th year, we have made the list! Of the tens of thousands of companies that have applied to the Inc 5000 over the years, only a fraction have made the list more than once; and a mere .5% have made the list 10 times!
Inc. 5000 Companies
Inc. 5000 companies are ranked according to percentage revenue growth from 2014 to 2017. Cumulatively – Inc. 5000 recipients have created over 619,000 jobs in the last 3 years! Innovative was ranked #3989 – with a 106.6M revenue in 2017. Our team’s dedication, hard work and contagious culture have helped us continue to make the list year over year!
Click here to view all recipients.